What is life coaching?

Life coaching is a process that removes the clutter in your thinking and uncovers your innate potential so that you can easily take action to get the results you want both personally and professionally.

Simply put, coaching is the process of making it easier for you to move from where you are in life to where you want to be.

Life coaching is the process of discovering your life’s vision, identifying and overcoming your limitations, developing strategies for taking steps and moving forward with conviction and clarity to create the life you want under the expert supervision of a professional and skilled life coach.

This happens in powerful coaching conversations.

When do you need coaching?

Here are some situations in which you may want to use life coaching.

  • You want to get a clear direction in life.
  • You want to improve your performance at work.
  • You want to overcome a hurdle in your performance.
  • Your past memories are taking a toll on you.
  • You are making a transition in your personal or professional life.
  • You are experiencing an emotional issue that is taking a toll on you.
  • You want to improve your productivity, your income, or develop a skill.
  • You want to move ahead but for some reason, you find yourself stuck you need a coach.

What is a powerful coaching conversation?

It is a conversation about you and your life, where you are, where you want to go, and how you can get there.

These conversations are designed to identify your potential, find obstacles on your way, release your innate abilities, and develop necessary skills to move forward with ease.

During these conversations, we may dig deep into those areas of your life where you may not have gone yet but need to go now, and we will do that in a very safe way.

To each of these coaching sessions, I bring over 25 years experience PLUS my skills and expertise in NLP™, conversational change, strategic intervention, enhancing human performance and an in depth understanding of how humans work to guide, coach & mentor you.

How does performance enhancement coaching work?

The process is quite simple and powerful. We meet online and talk about you. We work to find out EXACTLY where you are mentally, emotionally, spiritually & physically in your life right now. This enhances your awareness.

Remember, coaching is not therapy. We don’t explore your past or try to make sense of your childhood.

We create a vision for your future, Where you want to be? Your vision for life, your purpose, your goals for each area of your life.

Next explore possible impediments on your way and correct whatever needs to be corrected to get you moving.

Now you are ready to COMMIT and TAKE ACTION  to create results you want.

Is coaching like therapy? 

No. Not at all.

Coaching is very different than seeing a therapist.

While a therapist tries to find ‘why’ you are where you are, in performance enhancement coaching we focus on the ‘HOW’ you can get where you want to be in life while enjoying the process of getting there.

In short, we focus on making the best of you, even better. In these sessions with me, you will discover, deepen and develop your areas of strength, skill and success.

Do you work with psychological problems too like clinical depression, schizophrenia?

No. I work with life issues related to human behavior, emotions and personal growth.

I am not a psychologist, nor do I qualify to work with any psychological issues. For anyone who needs medication / therapy, I suggest meeting with a good psychiatrist/or a good psychologist.

What is NLP™?

NLP™ stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming™. It’s a term that co-founders of NLP™ – Dr. Richard Bandler and John Grinder created to describe the study of excellence that they did, back in 1970’s.

NLP™ is described as the study of subjective experience.

NLP™ is a behavioral technology that explains how & why people do what they do and how can you make quick and lasting changes in your life.

NLP™ is an educational tool that you can apply in, whatever you want to do more effectively & efficiently. NLP™ studies how your brain works and how your communication effects your (and other’s) states of being. It has applications in everything humans do.

You will a lot more information about NLP™ here.

Where have you taken your training?

I have taken my training in the UK and USA from some of the best trainers & coaches in the world.

Some of my trainers, mentors and coaches are … Dr. Richard Bandler (Co-founder of NLP), John LaValle (President – Society of NLP), Joseph Riggio (Architect & Designer of Mythself Process), Jo Cooper, Peter Seal, Paul McKenna, Michael Breen, Kenrick Cleveland, Julie Silverthorn, Joe White, Russel Potts, Alex G. Silva, Megali Peysha & Mark Peysha and many others.

How long have you been doing training & coaching?

I have been a trainer and coach since 1997. So far, I have accumulated over 36,000 hours experience in training, coaching and mentoring others.

How many coaching sessions will I need?

That depends upon where you are in life and what you want to achieve. There a many possibilities to work. The best way to find out, number of sessions you need is by taking a session.

How much does it cost?

My one-hour laser coaching session requires an investment of $450 and a deep inner coaching session requires an investment of $650. To learn more click here now.

Where will you conduct my session?

I do these sessions face to face in NJ, USA and online over Zoom.

How long is each session?

Your laser coaching session is generally one hour long, and a deep inner coaching session is generally 2 hours or longer.

How do I make an appointment?

See the link on right column that says “Book Appointment” click on it and select a time that suits you most.

Where are you in the world, your timing & contact number? 

I live in New Jersey, USA.
Mon-Fri from 10 am till 7 pm EST (New York Time)
Contact numbers: 
+1-(908)-500-9371 (WhatsApp ONLY)